MDOT is expected to start construction on the reworking of I-375 in Detroit next year. This project has long been in the works, but at this point, nobody seems happy with the plans.

MDOT released new designs last year, which didn't exactly line up with the earlier intent of the project. The project is titled I-375 Reconnecting Communities. While the freeway itself was taken out, the boulevard still had a lot of lanes, which wouldn't make it easier for pedestrians and anyone not in a motor vehicle. So it's not really connecting communities at this point.

The ReThink I-375 Community Coalition released 11 action items for MDOT to consider as the process moves forward. Items included fall under these topics:

  • Stop Designing the Road Until the Framework Plan is Complete
  • Develop an Inspiring Vision and Clear Principles to Guide the Framework Plan and the Road Design
  • Develop a Clear and Understandable Design Process
  • Stop “Box Checking” Community Engagement and Show How Feedback is Acted Upon

The detailed list can be found here.

MDOT held a community meeting earlier this week with updates on the plans, with protesters outside demanding a clearer vision before further planning and construction starts.